DMIT Test for Teenagers

A significant portion of every human existence is served by education and intellectual development. Here, one can develop both emotionally and professionally while preparing for a career. Although a student's life has many pivotal periods, high school, or eighth through tenth grade, is unquestionably where things really start to change. At this age, the child's body and brain begin to develop biologically and move closer to cognitive maturity. Early adolescence thus designates a key time for students.

This is the reason that a lot of students and their worried parents seek out career guidance and personality testing. The choices made at this point have a lifetime influence. Many high school kids in the eighth, ninth, and tenth grades across many educational boards would be prudent to take the DMIT Tests for the Children in order to effectively map out their career paths based on their innate talents, character traits, and learning preferences.

The DMIT Test is recognised for assisting students in realising their natural potential, fostering parental knowledge of the same, and setting goals and establishing a course for comprehensive personal, social, and professional growth.

Why D.M.I.T test need to be done for students or teenagers

  • Students usually choose their academic stream subject based on parents pressure and not as per student inborn talent or Multiple Intelligence.
  • They will not follow an actual method to study that they should do. Parents putting effort to teach their children for many activities.
  • As a result parents find maximum amount of students get average marks and very few get toppers.
  • They need to see their child as to be topper in most Fields but of which child can not satisfy their parent’s desires.
  • Parents are bothered for their children career. Children are attempting to oppose their parent’s. Maximum parents are not happy with their career.
  • Many students are usually struggling for any proper Carrier following the completion of their study. They are getting confused on what to do.
  • Relationship compatibility is currently a serious problem in our community.
  • Relations are smashing frequently. Misunderstanding & lack of compromise are now usual phenomenon.
  • People are actually victim of stress, confusion, disappointment and depression.
  • Maximum parents, students are certainly not aware or well-known with their inborn talent and potentials.
  • Maximum people take the wrong way with receptive of their capacity and so they do not proceed according to strength

Benefits of DMIT Test for Students or Teenagers

  • Understand students intrinsic potential
  • Know your creative and analytical mind. Right and left side of mind
  • Know your 9 Multiple Intelligence Distribution
  • Know Personal Quotients: IQ, EQ, CQ AQ and SQ
  • ATD perspective Analysis and Learning Sensitivity
  • Know your Best Learning Communication Characters
  • Comparison between right and left brain hemispheres
  • Identify your supplementary activities based on DMIT Report
  • Get Career guidance based upon your 9 Multiple Intelligences
  • Analysis of Strength and Weaknesses based on your brain lobes usages
  • Brain lobes analysis and DMIT Test Report suggest how to improve on your weaknesses
  • Know your preferred best Learning Style. Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style