Blindfold Brain Connection

Blindfold activation is a technique for stimulating and balancing the left and right hemispheres, as well as for activating intuition, which is located in the right brain, to provide kids the ability to perform tasks while their eyes are closed. If they actively exercise it, children that have this intuition would grow up with it active and not have their left brain rule them. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised that this is the most amazing way to engage the brain, and its magnificence can be directly demonstrated following activation.

How can a youngster "see" with their eyes closed using inter brain activation? How does it function?

The youngster must focus quietly since closing their eyes prevents them from seeing. The right brain's intuition will "touch" the brain wave. The left brain responds to the object being noticed with multiple senses (sight, smell, hearing, sensing, etc.) when intuition is activated by reading the text on the newspaper or flash cards.


Regarding their children's interests, talents, and academic and extracurricular achievement, parents frequently lack clarity. Children enrol in every course with great enthusiasm, yet 90% of them drop out for a variety of reasons before finishing the course they choose. While parents committed time and money in the course, the majority of them ended up unsatisfied because their children either did not finish it or their results were less than ideal despite attending all of the lessons.

Mid Brain Activation

The midbrain, which is located on the highest side of the brain stream, is the area of the brain with specific control over both hemispheres. A youngster can have a balanced existence with tremendous sensory augmentation, leading to excellent focus, quick reading, and photographic memory. This is made possible by activating or stimulating the midbrain.
  • stable and balanced emotions
  • proper interaction between the left and right brains
  • improved capacity for memory retention
  • improved reading speed and accuracy, including the use of blindfolds
  • better sketching and painting methods, working with colour and limits
  • Color guessing enables people to determine an object's colour without actually seeing it.
  • The children are taught to identify elements of UNO cards, such as a number or colour.
  • Without viewing the paper, one can read newspaper headlines, which typically have enormous fonts.
  • completing routine tasks like walking, dodging obstacles, following a pattern, avoiding collisions with other people, etc. without the need of vision.
  • Without vision, cycling and bicycle techniques
  • Other competitive yet enjoyable activities are frequently based on children's interests, such as games like basketball, carom, table tennis, cricket, and chess.